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5 reasons to start your online training program with Docebo

• 2 min read

Today’s post is the second part in a series on how training with LMSs can benefit businesses in the retail sector. Check out part 1 “E-learning in retail: brings value to brand and peoplehere. In part 2 we give you 5 reasons why you should start your training program with Docebo LMS.

1 . No waiting time: get your course online in just a few clicks
There’s not waiting time to create your fully functional e-learning platform. Docebo’s Software as a Service structure allows you to pass in just a few clicks from idea to realization.
2. Investment saving and no maintenance fees:
The initial investment must be moderate ( buy only what you really need) and clear (no hidden costs). You can focus your human resources on added value activities, and leave routine tasks to Docebo.
3 . Scalable system
If your user base grows in time or your requirements change (as you may want to train suppliers, consultants, partners) you can still use your e-learning platform by increasing the number of active users or adding new services (our Apps are the easiest answer to a great number of necessities)
4 . Many devices, only one integrated learning experience
You don’t need to run any analysis of your users’ devices, Docebo is usable online from any device on the market (PC, Laptops, Tablet, Smartphones). Users will be able to use devices available in the retail shop or their own.
5.Integration of information technology
If you already own other softwares (as CRMs or CMSs) in your stores and you want to offer a unique and integrated experience to your final users, Docebo gives you: single sign on features (one password for everything!), 2 environments functional integration (for example your Docebo platform with your HR software), data exchange (to analyze sales data and training data, just to give an example) .
