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Avoid Needless Training Costs With Seamless Webex-Docebo Integration

• 2 min read

Avoid the unnecessary costs of training by linking Docebo directly to Cisco Webex

We all know that having a real trainer is engaging, but if you have to deliver training to multiple locations in the world and your resources are limited, having a genuine trainer represents a significant cost.

Some examples the costs associated with this kind of engagement include:

  • The costs associated with hiring new people.
  • Travelling costs.
  • The cost related to a lack of corporate education, due to trainer sessions becoming a time sink.

One of the best ways to resolve these issues, reduce costs, and retain engagement and efficiency is to use a powerful video conferencing tools, like Cisco WebEx, to deliver a true learning experience.

Thanks to our seamless integration, with the Docebo LMS you can allow your learners to jump into a WebEx training session with just a couple of clicks. All you need to do is follow these three simple steps to enable this feature:

  1. Install the Webex app.
  2. Create a new webinar account.
  3. Create a Webinar course within the application and add sessions.

Watch this short video to learn how to install and start using the WebEx App within Docebo:

All that said, a webinar tool alone can’t deliver the most efficient learning experience. To get the most out of it, we would recommend that you:

Make the webinar easily accessible in the catalog or through an e-commerce app.

  1. Give learners a choice of available sessions so they can easily accommodate according to their schedule.
  2. “Flip the virtual classroom” by providing learners with an assessment of pre-knowledge, and publish additional reading as well as videos to watch.
  3. upload recordings once webinar session are over so learners that missed the webinar are able to view it.
  4. Conduct a post-training survey to understand user/viewer reaction.
  5. Create a final assignment or test to measure knowledge, based on the content of the webinar.

Learn more how to create and manage a Webinar Course for the best learning experience and outcome here.

If you don’t have Docebo LMS subscription, start your full-functional free 14-days trial right now and see yourself how easy and powerful it is!