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Integrazione Facebook LMS: accedi a Docebo con il tuo account Facebook

• 1 min read

Log in to Docebo with Facebook single sign on for quicker, easier access to your LMS

Social networks like Facebook are a crucial part of our lives. According to Wikipedia, the amount of monthly active Facebook users has reached 1.79 billion, and is growing. So, the obvious conclusion is that there is a high chance your users are already using Facebook in the first place, and that they use it regularly.

What you might not know is there is a quick and easy way for your users to log into their LMS with an existing Facebook login.

Watch this short video to learn in three simple steps how the Facebook LMS integration works:

Se utilizzi indirizzi email aziendali per creare gli account nel tuo LMS, i tuoi utenti dovranno aggiungere, confermare e impostare la propria email aziendale come contatto di default su Facebook, nella pagina di impostazioni generali dell’account.  

Attiva subito la tua prova gratuita di 14 giorni di Docebo LMS. Nessun impegno, nessuna carta di credito richiesta.