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HR software and E-Learning: improving the link between lifelong learning and workforce productivity

• 3 min read

How to stay on top of a rapid changing market ? The secret (or one of the secrets) is to implement a business strategy that maximizes the synergies between Life Long Learning and workforce productivity . Training Programmes without a proper technological support are less effective. E-Learning proves to be the best solution to achieve quality results in a short timeframe.

Training Programs

Source: Lifelong Learning and Labor Market needs.

Continuous education is considered strategic for 3 different reasons:

  • Allows workforce to keep them updated and ready with the requirements of their job functions ;
  • Helps workers to scale up in the hierarchy within their organization;
  • Gives companies the opportunity to keep budget under a better control and reducing costs related to the external recruitment of human resources.

The speed of change that we are witnessing nowadays requires employees to be trained continuously to avoid negative results of the economy stagnation and this need is fully recognized by entrepreneurs and business managers .

A poorly educated work force has indeed serious implications for Companies. Not only decreases their productivity and ability to deliver results, but a poorly educated staff can not even be promoted and therefore it is necessary to recruit staff from outside the Organization to cover middle to senior level positions.

If employees do not have the right skills to play an instrumental role to help a Company reaching the business objectives, employers or managers “are forced” to recruit new resources in order to bring knowledge, competences and “fresh air” from the outside.

We need to be conscious that this practice has not only negative impact in terms of high cost for the individual worker, but statistics shows that this approach not always is successful.

64% of executives recruited externally fails over 4 years in his new job.

Entrepreneurs launch clear signs so that continuous education will be recognized and rewarded for at least 3 reasons:

  • Ongoing education helps workers to carry out multiple projects and work with greater added value
  • Well equipped workers contaminates with positive inputs their working environment
  • Continuous trainings, give workers better qualifications and makes them more employable and easier to be promoted

Fonte: Lifelong Learning and Labor Market needs

Source: Lifelong Learning and Labor Market needs

Ideally every single company should have in place a plan with career development and required training programmes for their employees to develop the skills needed to pursue an individual career path. Recent surveys rolled out at Global level in different industries have highlighted some key points of the “best” plan for workforce skills development:

Institutional training (school and university programmes) is considered a key success factor for both workers’ productivity and career advancement, it is clear that companies should encourage their employees to achieve the most suitable qualifications to help them succeeding in their job and business;

Training on the job is widely regarded by both employers and workers as pivotal to better perform their jobs, although it appears less relevant to broader (or external) career development;

In some industries such as ICT (Information & Communication Technology), both institutional and tailored training programmes are not considered necessary for survival on the market, however, short-term seminar are privileged along with individual courses or programs with final exam to obtain specific certification.

Training management is therefore becoming a key element of a good professional development plan, where the different training initiatives (individual or group trainings) must find a consistent and reliable tracking system that can be stored, consulted and analyzed and data will be useful for both reports on productivity and the assessment of career advancement.

An HR software integrated with an LMS (Learning Management System, like Docebo’s LMS ) is the optimal technology solution to virtually support and maximize your employees’ skills development strategy. The more you increase the spectrum of training solutions offered directly or indirectly, the more it becomes necessary to return adopt a system able to provide real-time data, track, report and support the overall Human Capital management.

Every single learning activity carried out by the individual worker is a strong motivational lever to encourage self-paced learning. Moreover, a critical role is played by the informal learning that should become part of corporate objectives related ongoing education and which can be achieved in a reasonable timeframe and with limited initial investments.

Pushing Technology HR Delivery Changes

A recent Towers Watson survey found that a third of Respondents (36%) plan to make a change to their HR structure before the end of 2014. The survey found Among Those That Organizations planning change , 74% say it’s to improve operational efficiencies , 53% say it ‘s to improve quality , 37% want to reduce costs and 34% are Pursuing a change in business strategy. 53% percent of Organizations say Their investment in HR technology will match last year’s investment levels , and another 27% will Increase spending.
