Pride: A month. A Movement. A MUST

• 3 min read

You know that feeling? The one that makes you smile. Hold your head higher. Walk taller. Even give a celebratory fist pump! That’s pride. And it’s a great feeling.  

There are lots of reasons—big and small—to feel pride. Maybe you got a promotion. Your favorite team won a big game. Or you (finally) poached the perfect egg. Whatever the reason, pride elevates our feeling of social self-worth and status. In other words, it makes us feel better about ourselves. 

The tricky thing with pride is that it’s a social emotion. Which means, in order to feel it, you need other people to confirm that you have a reason to feel that way.  

So what happens when the people around you (e.g. your colleagues, family, community, or even government) don’t give you that confirmation? Or worse, what happens when they tell you shouldn’t feel the way you do—especially when it’s about who you are? 

A Universal Human Right 

Everyday LGBTQIA+ people around the world are denied the right to pride. They’re discriminated against and aren’t afforded the same rights, privileges, freedom, or safety. 

Case in point: Marriage equality is legal in just 34 countries. Only 16 countries and territories legally recognize non-binary or third gender identities. And, in many countries, homosexuality is criminalized and penalized (and even considered a capital offense). 

Stats like these paint a pretty grim picture. In a world where being yourself and being able to feel good about who you are (AKA pride) should be a universal human right, it’s anything but. 

...recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world…

- Excerpt from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Even in countries where LGBTQIA+ people have equal rights and are protected by the law, they’re still subject to bias, discrimination, and are often targets of hate crimes. In fact, LGBTQIA+ people are nine times more likely to be victims of violent hate crimes. And last year was the deadliest year for LGBTQIA+ people in Europe. 

Unfair practices, unjust laws, discrimination, prejudice, and biases (conscious or otherwise) violate fundamental freedoms and deny people the right to pride (the emotion) which is why Pride (the movement) is so important.

Pride Month is a time for individuals, communities, and organizations to come together to raise awareness, advocate for equal rights, celebrate the diverse identities within the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, and create an environment where everyone can be their authentic selves without fear of discrimination or prejudice. It’s an opportunity to uplift LGBTQIA+ voices, celebrate LGBTQIA+ culture, and support LGBTQIA+ rights. 


“As advocates for diversity and inclusivity, we’re honored to stand alongside the LGBTQIA+ community and support their journey towards equality.”

- Francesca Bossi, CHRO, Docebo

How Docebo shows our Pride 

This month, we proudly showed our support and commitment to our LGBTQIA+ Docebians and the LGBTQIA+ community by sponsoring and presenting at Pride parades in some of the cities we operate in, including Milan and Athens. 

Showing our support at the Milano (top) and Athens (bottom) Pride Parades

In addition, thanks to our Pride Employe Resource Group (ERG), employees were able to participate in internal celebrations and activities, including a presentation from guest speaker, Roberto Muzzetta (board member for LGBTQIA+ group Arcigay) as well as a Schitt’s Creek (season 5, episode 11) watch party and discussion. 

We also released a new course catalog for employees that celebrates diversity and promotes a deeper understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community while emphasizing the crucial role allies play in creating an inclusive society by advocating for equal rights, challenging discrimination, and supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals in their journey toward authenticity and self-acceptance.

The Pride 2023 course catalog

These are just a few of the ways we’ve shown our support, created opportunities for dialogue, and provided ongoing education to promote awareness and respect for LGBTQIA+ rights and freedoms this month. 

Pride is 365

As Pride Month comes to a close, it’s important to remember that Pride is more than a celebration, it’s a civil rights movement. As we acknowledge the progress made, it’s equally important to recognize the challenges that still lie ahead in achieving full equality and inclusion. 

And it’s going to take more than just 30 days a year.

We’re committed to continuing our efforts in championing diversity, not only during Pride Month but throughout the year, because we believe that together, we can create a world that embraces and celebrates the uniqueness of every individual. 

“Diversity, equity, and inclusion have always been the standard and embraced at Docebo, and always will be.”

- Claudio Erba, Founder & CEO, Docebo

By embracing different identities and fostering an inclusive environment, we can make a positive impact on individuals' lives, our organization, and society as a whole.