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Old APIs are now deprecated, but they are still working and will be supported until the end of February 2019.
After then, all deprecated endpoints will be discontinued.[/mk_fancy_title]

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[mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h1″ color=”#0465ac” size=”43″ font_weight=”300″ letter_spacing=”0″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ font_family=”none” align=”center” style=”false”]DOCEBO API[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ color=”#333333″ size=”25″ font_weight=”300″ letter_spacing=”0″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”18″ font_family=”none” align=”center” style=”false”]We believe integrating your learning platform with other third party systems is key to the success of your learning programs for increased business’ performance.[/mk_fancy_title]
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Benefits of API in Docebo

We offer a complete and robust API system for our customers to perform any integration related to managing user accounts, courses and training materials, enrolling users, statistics, and much more.

APIs are technology-independent, so you can use any programming language or framework to integrate your system or application with Docebo.

Our APIs fully adhere to the ReST architectural style, which is the most logical, efficient and widespread standard in the creation of APIs for Internet services.

But here is the best part: Docebo APIs are so powerful and complete that our developers use API to build any new feature into our platform, in conjunction with our microservice architecture.

New API explorer

To access your new API explorer, go to https://<>/api-browser


In order to properly use Docebo’s APIs, you’re expected to have a development resource to write and maintain the code that interacts with ours. We provide the endpoints that return info or perform actions in the platform, but you’ll need to develop a script, application, or use another tool or method to initiate your requests to our endpoints.

We recommend testing your APIs with an API tool that offers a development testing environment, such as Postman.

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Docebo APIs use the OAuth 2.0 framework in most third-party scenarios, including authentication and authorization for web servers, installed and client-side applications.

OAuth 2.0 client credentials can be obtained on the Docebo API and SSO App settings page. Your client application will request an access token from the LMS, extract a token from the response and send it to each REST API that you’d like to access.

Basic Steps

  1. Activate & Set up the Docebo API & SSO App

You’ll first need to activate and set up the API & SSO app in your Docebo platform. Follow the steps outlined in this Knowledge Base article to properly configure the app and obtain your OAuth 2.0 credentials.

  1. Obtain an Access Token

Before your application can access private LMS data with a Docebo API, it must obtain an access token that grants access to that API. A single access token can access multiple APIs — the “scope” parameter controls the set of resources and operations that an access token permits.

If your application uses the Authorization Code grant, then you should use the following URL to start the authorization flow:

To obtain an access token, you will need to make a call to this endpoint:

For information related to the Oauth2 token and the parameters to include in the above requests, refer to their official documentation.

  1. Send the Access Token to an API

After obtaining an access token, your application sends the token to every Docebo API in the HTTP Authorization header as follows:

GET /api/ HTTP/1.1


Authorization: Bearer

  1. Refresh the access token, if necessary

Because tokens have limited lifespans, your application can obtain a fresh token using the Token Endpoint if it needs to access a Docebo API beyond the life of a single access token. A refresh token allows your application to obtain new access tokens.


To maintain optimum performance and to ensure APIs are available to all customers, Docebo’s APIs are limited to 1,000 API calls per hour from each IP address.

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Legacy APIs


Please note that all legacy APIs will be deprecated as of February 2019. We recommend switching to the new APIs as soon as possible, but you can use both at the same time while the legacy APIs are still available. Here is a reference.
